GINGER WINE otherwise known as OT or the OTHER THING

Ginger Wine is more of a cordial rather than a wine. It is also known as O T or ‘THE OTHER THING’  - the Temperance Drink for Teetotalers. In the days of prohibition during the war, people were advised to drink non-temperance wines. Ginger Wine is a good digestive and helps to wash down all the rich food over Christmas. This wine is not fermented 

100 grams fresh ginger                     
1 kg sugar
6 limes (extract the juice)                   
2 pieces cinnamon about one inch in length 
1 red chillie (remove the seeds)    (Kashmiri Chillie)       
litres water


Peel and wash the ginger and cut into thin slices. Make lime juice and keep aside. 
In a large clean vessel, boil the fresh ginger, sugar, cinnamon and red chillies with 4 litres of water on low heat till the decoction is slightly thick. 
Remove from heat and add the lime juice. When cold, strain through a thin cloth, then bottle, and use whenever required. This wine will last for almost 3 months if kept in the fridge. 

from ANGLO-INDIAN FOOD - By Bridget White-Kumar