This code will send email automatically from your Outlook E-mail, using VBA.
Here is code
Note that the above code displays the email, instead of sending it. To send the email, replace...
Here is code
Option Explicit
Sub EmbedImage()
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objMailItem As Object
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objMailItem = objOutlook.CreateItem(0)
With objMailItem
.To = ""
.Subject = "Misc..."
.Attachments.Add "c:\users\domenic\desktop\sample.jpg" 'change the folder and filename accordingly
.HTMLBody = "[p]This is the first paragraph...[/p]" & _
"[img src=""cid:sample.jpg""]" & _
"[p]This is the second paragraph...[/p]" & _
"[p]Thank you![/p]"
End With
End Sub
Note that the above code displays the email, instead of sending it. To send the email, replace...